Golden Arches


I don't know if they advertise on their signs anymore, but there was a day when McDonald's used to update their Golden Arches and list how many people they served. Hundreds of thousands became millions, millions became billions...It's amazing..such a successful business..all started by an entrepreneur with an idea and a dream.  Sometimes, success is born out of mistake..sometimes it comes with a lot of hard work, dedication and perseverance. evolves over time and morphs itself..over decades...or daily.

My blog has reached that point of success that I could never have thought of when I started it. Not monetarily..please..I couldn't buy socks with what this blog generates for me income-wise! This blog's level of success is measured by how much it has helped me..and others.

I started the blog as a way to vent. I was in the post-duldrums of a breakup with my longest and dearest lover and friend (Ross). Work had become economically problematic. My life, at that point, was troublesome..I was depressed, and reached myself. A place to express my thoughts.

Writing about my sexual history became cathartic. I was able to write down the feelings..analyze them..and eventually, have others analyze them too. If I wasn't going to get therapy from a professional (and some still stay I should do so) writing this blog was a close second in being helpful in straightening my head out. Emotions were spilled on proverbial paper. I typed and story became tens..tens became hundreds. Hundreds have almost become a thousand.

Since the beginning, I've always felt I could be honest in Anonymous land. All the stories, feelings and people are true..although the names have been changed "to protect the innocent."  Sometimes, I've been caught using one fictitious name for the other ("Kevin" was typo-ed "Keith" in one story) - and more than once my honesty has been questioned (there are those that still think I wrote some letters myself - assholes!).

I actually look forward  to coming into work..starting my day with my blog. Writing my posts..hitting the "publish" button..and seeing the reactions..reading the comments. Yes, some days, that monotony is burdensome..but for the most part..I've been able to work in the blog into my days, without much interruption. Heck, I think I'm the only blog out there that hasn't missed a weekday of posting unless the blog's name begins with "Dude", "Dorm" or "Frat". Yes, I am a live, breathing individual, not a corporate commercial entity maintained by hundreds of people. It's little ole' me...

I've had support and my share of unsupportive people visit and comment. There will always be those that don't agree with what I'm doing...and I take the good with the bad. But there are others out me...yes..they are Bi Like Me.

You know it..I get emails..letters from readers..that I've posted here.  I get lots of comments...from all over the world. They say that my story is their story. They read and find comfort in my what I write. They say "hey, that's what I think" or "I thought I was the only one!". They now know that they are not alone.

Yes, in a day or two I can brag that I have over "Two Million Served" here at Bi Like Me. But sometimes, success is measured not in how many were served, but by how much they were served.

Thanks for letting me serve you and more importantly..thank you for serving me.


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